Note: This blog post requires patience and toleration and a far better exploration of the subject can be read in Julia Serano's Whipping Girl...
The Theory: Transsexuals fall into two groups: Those that wish to be attractive to men (homosexual) and those that wish to subsume women (heterosexual).
Except not all transsexuals are "male to female". Some are "female to male".
...but I suppose we could broaden it out to make a similar distinction...
Transsexuals fall into two groups: Those that wish to be attractive to the same sex (homosexual) and those that wish to subsume the opposite sex (heterosexual).
Except, if that were true, then transsexuals would be a very unique section of the populace being compiled of only two sexualities when the rest of the populace are compiled of at least 5 (Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Pansexual, Asexual).
...but transsexuals are a tiny minority of the populace and perhaps this is why - it only affects those who are Homosexual or Heterosexual.
...or maybe the other sexualities are bogus and are just people who are greedy/undecided/unconfident.
Except that some transsexuals are "intersex" which would not seem to fit the theory because, biologically speaking, how can someone who is "intersex" be pinned down to either male or female and thus fit into a Heterosexual or Homosexual definition?
...but many "intersex" people don't see themselves as transsexual. In fact some consider the only thing that makes them a transsexual is the operation that was carried out on them in their childhood without their consent to make them fit into someone else's idea of what their gender was. So, really, "intersex" people shouldn't be classed as transsexual at all.
Yes, but, if transsexuals were so pre-occupied with sex as to wish to change their bodies to get the sex they desired, then surely the number one topic amongst transsexuals would be that of the sex they desire and how they're going to get it and, yet, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, when compared to other groups of people, the subject of sex hardly features at all. The vast majority seem to be far more interested in science and technology than sex (to the point of geekism) but I suppose it figures that those who consider themselves 'wrongly made' would be pre-occupied with how things work.
...but, maybe, they just don't talk about that kind of stuff when you're there.
You know, I was always taught that a good scientist derived a conclusion from the known facts. But the theory "Transsexuals fall into two groups: Those that wish to be attractive to men (homosexual) and those that wish to subsume women (heterosexual)." appears to require far too many "if"s, "but"s and "maybe"s to make it work.
It is not one proved in fact and thus could only ever be claimed to be fact by a prejudicial mind.