Mia: as I've come to bed I've noticed that Mia has glitter on her. Such are the hazards of working with BLS! She was also restless this evening, repeatedly clambering onto my knee and promptly hopping off again. I suspect it was the smell of essential oils from tonight's yoga she didn't like!
Life: this morning I did the food shopping for the third week in a row on the bus. The likelihood of me selling the car is now more or less certain! It will be hard to part with it as its another bit of John I'm giving away. But I can't really afford to keep it for sentimental reasons. This afternoon I went to college to return my library books before returning into Liverpool where I did a bit of shopping for art supplies and then had tea at Tokyou - where else in Liverpool can you get sweet chilli chicken and rice and a drink for £6.80?!! - before heading over to BLS studio for tonight's yoga. It was fabulous - nothing at all taxing but so rewarding! :) Part of the exercise was to listen to what your body wanted. Mine told me to drop the bullshit! At the end of the class I felt like apologising to my body for filling it with crap and not taking care of it properly. It may be the motivation I need to take my health seriously!
One Thing: the one thing I'm choosing today is yoga. I realise tonight how much I need it in my life!