Mia: really not seen much of Mia today because I left home just after 9am and didn't get back until after 8pm. She seemed in good spirits though.
College: things went well in my graphics lesson and we got the brief for our next assignment - experimental mark making. I couldn't be happier about that! I feel like a pig in muck! :) things also went well in life drawing and I produced a few pieces I would happily put in my portfolio. :)
Life: After college, Patricia took me into town for choir but first we visited Cass Arts where I bought myself an A3 portfolio for my graphics work and some black paper and chalk for my mark making project. Then we went to choir. I'm not gonna lie and say I enjoyed it but I think I need to readjust my priorities, if only for just a little while, and stick with it for the sake of Big Love Our Brother. At choir I also picked up the sculpture I created on Saturday. Unfortunately, it was broken... and it was broken some more by the time I got it home! :( But, on the bright side, I have plenty of clay to repair it.
One Thing: the one thing I'm choosing today is the fact that I'm enjoying college so much at the moment... even if it is tinged with sadness at the knowledge it won't last past summer (at the latest!).