Advanced warning: I am pissed!
Mia: hardly saw anything of Mia today because I left the house at 10.30am and didn't get black until 12 hours later. However, I do remember disturbing her on her bed when I was doing my latest painting. She also wanted food when I got in but there was no way I was feeding her at that time of night! So she's probably gone to bed now cursing me under her breath!
Life: so, inspired by the Pulse murders and a guy I saw on the bus yesterday, I have started painting a new portrait. So far I have got as far as the background which is blue and green but I had to let it dry before starting on the rest. That's when I saw a meme on Facebook from the Dalai Lama telling me to visit somewhere I'd never been before but I also knew I was meeting up with friends at Liverpool Tate at 3pm, so I had to think where I could get to there and back in time... and decided on Warrington. So I sent my friend, Ali, a text to see if she was available as she lives in the area and, sure enough, she was. So we met up for lunch and I was treated to a panini and hot beverage before she gave me a whistle stop tour of Warrington in the half hour I had left to get my train (I own it, you know!) back to Liverpool. Once back in Liverpool, I walked down from the station to the Tate and met up with Hilary and Patricia (but Shirliegh was a no show - I hope she's OK) and we had a look around the Francis Bacon exhibition and also a woman artist I can't remember the name of, which is a shame because I prefer her work to his! After that, we wandered upto Mowgli in the pouring rain (poor Patricia got soaked through!) for tea and then around to a pub for their gin promotion they had on... except they were closed to the public because they were filming an advert for a lager I can't remember the name of! So we wandered back to The Black Labradoodle (not its real name but it'll do for now!) where we supped gin cocktails and I got quietly pissed! And after that I had to find my way back to the bus and get home again which is all a blur now! But I'm very very happy! :)
One Thing: I've had a lovely day seeing my friends. I could pinch myself sometimes how my life has blossomed since I moved to Wirral! I am so blessed and I love them all! <3 :)