Mia: more fun and cuddles with Mia - when she's not sulking I've not fed her that half hour!
Life: this morning I went to Morrisons to do the weekly shop. Except, when I got there, I realised I'd forgot the shopping list! So I returned home and then caught the bus to Birkenhead, had a wander over to the central library, didn't find what I wanted, caught bus to Liverpool, bought birthday presents, and caught the bus to Morrisons. Except I went to the Floral to buy theatre tickets, had tunch at the Seahorse and then did the shopping at Morrisons! Except I was a little tipsy on one pint of cider - I'm such a lightweight! - which meant a few items went in that weren't supposed to but at least I was too pissed to care! This evening I have listened to music whilst colouring-in and playing Angry Birds - who played an April Fool on me the rotten b...irds!
One Thing: having unlimited travel on my student bus pass certainly made for an interesting day! :)