Monday, 2 November 2015

2nd November 2015

Love: it was lovely to catch up with my friend, Julie, today. I've not seen her in ages! Far too long in fact! :(
Life: this morning I went to see Inside Out at the cinema. I'd been wanting to watch it for ages but, being a kids film, I was put off by the prospect of being surrounded by loads of screaming kids! However, I figured today being a school day there probably wouldn't be that many there. Plus, as it was released in the summer, it was on offer at £3. So it seemed the ideal time to see it. It was an awesome film! I really enjoyed it! However, it also made me cry buckets plus gave me a revelation about memories: I have trouble remembering my life with John. This is hindered by them being sad memories which I shove back in hope of happy ones. Well, a part of Inside Out is about happy memories turning to sad. So I had a revelation that has probably happened to me too and, instead of holding back the sad memories, I should just allow them to come whether they're happy or sad! At least that way I hopefully get to remember our life together! After the cinema, I went and caught up with Julie. After that I came home and spent the afternoon painting 3 abstract canvases. Then I fed myself and Mia before wrapping some Christmas pressies because, the way college is, I figure this might be the only opportunity to do so before Christmas! I finished the evening by watching The Immitation Game on Amazon.
One Thing: the one thing I'm choosing today is catching up with Julie. I'm glad I have the luxury of friends in my life - I didn't always! - and it's lovely to have ones as lovely as Julie! :)