Love: Lovely to end the evening with cuddles with Mia again. She's a sweet natured creature at heart really. Love her! <3
Life: I decided to grab the opportunity to go to Big Love Sista choir this evening. I probably shan't be able to go again before Christmas so it was all the more special for it. I really miss it! :( I also picked up my canvas I started on Saturday whilst I was there. It's interesting. Having another look at it tonight, I've completely changed my mind what I'm gonna do with it now! :)
College: I woke up this morning dreading returning to college. I had to ask myself why the fuck I'm putting myself through this! I have to say though that college does usually answer that question. It's pushing me to produce work - some of it the best I've ever done! I just don't like being pushed! Anyway, today was a good day cos I had 4 pieces taken off me for my portfolio. :)
One Thing: the one thing I'm choosing today is getting my work accepted for my portfolio. It was reward for all the hard work I've put into this!