Sunday, 29 May 2016

29th May 2016

Mia: played with Mia loads today. Her reflexes are getting better too so it might be any day now she catches me another 'present'! :k
Life: there was a marathon in Liverpool today which had a dramatic effect on the traffic! I reckon my bus must've been at least 35 mins late by the time it got to Liverpool! I was going into town for the monthly LGBT writing group. I read out two of my poems and they were both received far better than I expected. :) I had cheesy chippy chips omelette for tea. Yum! :) This evening I have watched back to back episodes of No Offence. It got me gripped so I couldn't stop watching! It's written by Paul Abbott who did Shameless. :) just before bed I did a bit more on my current canvas. I don't know how to proceed with it really, so I'm just dabbling until it comes together.
One Thing: playing with Mia has been the highlight of my day. She is my world and I love her to pieces! :)