Monday, 2 May 2016

2nd May 2016

Mia: Mia has had a day of being ignored. She's a very tolerant creature!
Life: at lunch time I went and did the food shop. Being veggie has certainly brought the price down! :) for tea I mad a Mediterranean veg, spinach and ricotta filo tray bake. The recipe was inspired by something similar my friend Jayne did for BLS a month or two back. It was very nice and I've saved the other three-quarters for my lunch this week. :) This evening I have been listening to Prince whilst doing some colouring. :)
College: this morning I designed a tag for contextual studies that I'm hoping will print on a vest. If it doesn't, I've probably ruined a perfectly good vest!
One Thing: I'm choosing the tray bake today. For something I made myself with no recipe, I'm well chuffed with it! :)