Love: I love how spontaneous life can be. Yesterday, I walked into Brighton shopping centre and stopped dead when I saw a poster for Roy Ayers playing live tonight! I presumed he'd died years ago! But, nope, he's alive and well and in good spirits! And I know that cos I bought myself a ticket and have been to see him tonight! It's fantastic when a legend lives up to their status! :)
Life: Today I headed to North Laines cos I wanted a top for tonight (cos I knew it would be hot and sweaty in the club and wouldn't want to wear the top again without washing it). Having found and purchased top, I had a mooch around the rest of the North Laines area before heading to seafront to buy some fudge and rock (so much for travelling light!) plus some postcards for the art lesson I'm giving tomorrow at Trans Pride. :) Then I headed back to the B&B to prepare art lesson before heading out for tea and concert.