Love: more snuggles with Mia this evening. It's the only thing that makes life seem worthwhile sometimes.
Life: it's just gone midnight and I've just got to bed. Other than college work, I had a quick walk into town to pay in a cheque and as it was a sunny day I came back via the park. Then I did some more work on my huge abstract painting. My shed now has splashes of blue paint on it!
College: far from only 3 days a week as I originally thought, college is proving to be 7 days a week! Which is why I'm now thinking of going part time - which will double the time it takes to get my degree! Well, I've no other major plans for the next decade!!
One Thing: the one thing I'm choosing today is doing my abstract painting. It may seem odd to have a break from my art degree by doing more art - even if just for one hour! - but it was a real stress buster splashing that paint around!