Love: there's few things sweeter than having a cuddle with Mia. She's a very forgiving creature too. Today was grooming day, which she hates! But by this evening she was on my lap hugging me. It makes me feel all gooey inside :)
Life: today has been a fairly lazy day. I didn't even go down for breakfast until 9am! The rest of the day has been doing college work, some laundry, watching iPlayer and Netflix, and sorting out my monthly finances. I also made mince with mash in a giant yorkie for tea for the third week running! I'm sure I'll get bored of it soon enough! :)
College: whilst watching Doctor Who I jotted down some more thoughts I had for my Art Studies 'homework'. Then, mid-morning, I did a sketch of my fireplace in my Interior Design sketch pad and this evening I did one of my kitchen. I've done college work every day since I started but at least I've been breaking it down into bite size chunks on my 'days off', which helps! I also bought my bus pass for the college year today. It's £358 but it's still cheaper than driving!
One Thing: the one thing I'm choosing today is cuddles with Mia. There's nothing like being loved! :)