Tuesday, 5 January 2016

5th January 2016

Love: Mia started to play with her toys this morning - a rarity for her! - so I joined in! We had great fun... for about 5 minutes when she got bored! She has such a low attention span! This evening she took herself up to her blanket on the landing at about 7pm. I'm beginning to think it might be too cold or drafty or both on the ground floor for her!
College: So I was back at college today... and we were promptly told that the next 2 weeks will be for 'research' - with the exception of a half-hour meeting next week to get feedback on last term's work! So I went to the college library and got 3 books out. I'm sure they'll come in useful - just as soon as I've decided upon the simplest way of transferring the information I need to my sketchbook! However, today did come with one major drawback: according to the woman I spoke to at Student Finance, I won't get funding for the Foundation Degree (proper) and, if I paid for it myself, I then wouldn't get funding for the BA (Hons) Top Up! Which doesn't sound right or fair to me! So I told my personal tutor and she agreed with me and promised to look into it for me. So fingers crossed things will work out better than they currently look! :(
Life: this evening I have watched a couple of movies on Netflix before going to bed.
One Thing: the one thing I'm choosing today is having Patricia on hand to steady my nerves and think straight when I couldn't after finding out the info from Student Finance!