Love: today I had a soul card reading. It said I was in limbo and should wait for life to show me the way forward. Unfortunately, I had it done by a friend so now my scepticism wonders how genuine it was. Next time I shall have it done by a stranger.
Life/College: what a day! I got into college early to get the voice over done for our video for media. It took a fraction of the time I thought it would and it worked out really well as well! :) Then we had fashion and I didn't get much done because half the lesson was the staff asking us if we needed any support because the general attendance was so low. I don't know who's bright idea it was to have support staff take up 1 hour of our time because of some students' attendance meant they were getting behind on lessons 2 college days before deadline (can you spot the flaw yet?!!) but it wasn't appreciated by me! After that we had makeup and Patricia turned me into a zombie (it took longer than you might think!). After which we went to the library to upload our media video to YouTube and were told off for nattering by some feckwit! I was tempted to give him some lip but I didn't know whether he was student or staff so decided not to risk it. After college, Patricia gave me a lift into town and we went to Mowgli and had some bunny chow for tea before going to BLS studio for our end of semester show. I didn't sell any of my paintings - except for the one I made especially for Christmas which I managed to auction off for £40. :)
One Thing: the one thing I'm choosing today is... The whole day! Today was just one of those full-on days with epic ups and major downs. So it'd be wrong to separate it out into portions because it just has to be taken as a whole.