Love: no cuddles from Mia today :(
Life/college: the morning started with an email from my MP telling me why she voted to bomb Syria and me replying to it telling her I'll never vote for her again. Then I went and did the food shop. When I got back home I finished off one of my canvases for BLS. After lunch I practiced my final design for my make-up lesson. However, I had to do it in the mirror without my glasses on so it wasn't exactly precise! I still got a feel of the products though and how best to apply them. After that I did some work on my sketchbooks. After tea I sorted out things I might want to include in my portfolio for interview if I transfer to Liverpool Hope next September as I have a meeting with my tutor tomorrow so she can decide if she'll put me forward for it or not. I also looked at my finances and I fear I'm going to have to see if I can unlock myself from my 3 year ISA to be able to afford it! ...or sell my car. :( I ended the evening by watching Jessica Jones and Still Game on Netflix.
One Thing: the one thing I'm choosing today is finishing my canvas. It is a concept piece so it was a moment of trepidation to see if the concept works or not and rewarding to see that it did! And the concept is such that it can only get better now! :)