Tuesday, 4 August 2015

4th August 2015

Love: I was shocked to discover today that Miss Piggy and Kermit have announced they have split. It seems Kermit has done the dirty and dumped her for someone called Janice. Well, I say Miss Piggy is better off without that selfish frog and have thrown my hat into the ring and suggested Miss Piggy may like to have a relationship with me instead. So far she has yet to respond but I live in hope. I also reflected today on the changes in me since John's death. I don't want this to be taken the wrong way because I still love and miss him but I believe, sexuality aside, I have changed so fundamentally since John died that I don't think a relationship between the two of us would work now. I find myself torn and conflicted by this revelation. I think I am perhaps better just acknowledging it rather than exploring further right now.
Life: This afternoon a man from British Gas came to fix my boiler which had stopped providing central heating for me. He discovered that the company who installed it had wired the thermostat wrong and fixed it for me. So I now have the luxury of heat in my home again. By coincidence, I also was prompted by NPower to provide them with the latest meter readings. In doing so, I looked back at my usage these last few months and it looks like I may well have been doing without heating since June! On the upside, it'll have saved me some money!
Career: Another day volunteering but I had to curtail it to be home for 12pm to await the British Gas man.